The Fellowship: Cynfleda

*Cynfleda waves*

Class: Hunter
Weapon of choice: bow
Role in the fellowship: leader, ranged damage
Vocation: Historian
Likes: animals, history, science, exploration, riding goats in Moria
Quirks: Enjoys posing with emotes, has a secret crush on Boromir, down-to-earth with a killer instinct.


Cynfleda hails from Rohan. She is not of noble birth, but her father served as a captain in the Rohirrim for many years, earning her family a trusted spot close to the king. She is on a first-name basis with Eowyn, the niece of King Theoden. Cynfleda grew up loving animals, and she will always be seen with an animal companion at her side. Some say her best friend is her sheep named Dolly (and she encourages you to Google "Dolly the sheep").

As the fellowship's historian and scientist, Cynfleda can be seen crafting potions based on her readings on ancient histories. She also writes tomes for others' benefit, stat gains, and general enlightenment. And as the leader of the fellowship, she often has to serve as the peacekeeper between the dwarf Darbur and the elf Guinoriel.

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