Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cynfleda goes incognito

Let us first establish that Cynfleda is from Rohan. The land of the horse-lords. The land given to Eorl the Young. The land whose residents are hardy, stubborn, and unrelenting, yet full of heart and strong of will. Cynfleda takes pride in her heritage and that of her people. She does what she judges to be right. Yes, she makes mistakes, but never with evil intentions. She's seen perils of war and sorrows of victims.

Her journeys lead her to Dunland. What she experiences there is a test of her heart and determination. She meets many small, warring clans there. Many of them are nice people, for the most part. They must first get over their distrust for outsiders, but Cynfleda proves herself as a worthy boon wherever she goes.

There is just one problem:

They hate the people of Rohan.

They believe the land of Rohan is rightfully theirs, and Eorl's people stole it from them. A good number of them agree to the idea of siding with the wizard Saruman, just so they can be on whatever side Rohan isn't. They are eager to fight.

Prideful though she is, Cynfleda has to conceal her true self, hopeful that the Dunlendings can see her as a person and not an enemy. She feels conflicted with many of the tasks they have her do. They go against her core beliefs and morals. Yet do them she must if she is to gain repute. She does not want to make enemies, though she is far from calling them friends. They cannot know who she really is.

Fortunately for her, there are some Dunlendings who don't trust Saruman, and want nothing to do with him. Cynfleda finds more favor with those people, even if they may seem few and far between.

Sometimes, finding an ally among the enemy is all that can be done.

Current level: 75.

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