Monday, January 13, 2020

Cynfleda does....a ton of stuff because I'm horrible at updating regularly

Cynfleda has been busy these past few months. As she follows Theodred [yes, the Theodred the son of the king of Rohan (who also happens to be a bit homely, in my opinion. )] around Nan Curunir (AKA Isengard), she fights alongside some of the Riders, aiding them in their task to cleanse Isengard. Holy parentheses, Batman!

Sigh... writing is hard.

Anyway, Cynfleda has had quite the adventure of late. As she leaves (cough*escapes*cough) Isengard, she heads to the Great River region. There, she meets up with her old hobbit friend Bingo Boffin, and follows him around a bit on his adventure. As she traverses around Stangard, she can't help but pause one morning at dawn to catch the scenery of the city. She takes these moments to think of home, which she knows is her next destination. Oh, and yes, she absolutely loves her Ranger outfit given to her by various Rangers (Thanks, Halbarad! You're a bro!). She barely takes her outfit off, even to wash it. ("Hey! Soap is hard to come by, all right?" "Suuuuure."  -.-)

She follows the Great River (one could even say she "journeys down the Anduin"). As she goes along, she finds tracks on the ground that look oddly similar to something she found in Eregion what seems like years previous. She finds hobbit tracks! And not just any hobbits. OUR hobbits! She finds a forgotten pipe, and an old backpack, among other things she knows would be among a certain company. Oh and she gets a nice view of the Argonath from behind, along with a photo-bombing orc who was practically begging for an arrow in the knee, but that's neither here nor there. ("Ayyyyyyy, whaddup, my man?")

Then, in about the same area, she finds an old campfire and sees a flashback from the point of view of Boromir while Frodo is off frolicking in the trees or such nonsense. I just had to take this screenshot so you all could see who these characters are from his perspective. I got a chuckle.

Lastly but not least, she arrives in Eastern Rohan! She's home! She hasn't yet visited her hometown, since I haven't yet decided which town is her hometown. But, arrives she finally does, in Harwick. The people of Harwick say they are having trouble with a worm infestation. But as Cynfleda goes to scout around the locale, she's convinced the townspeople are crazy. That, my friend, is not just a worm. I'm like 98.6% sure that's a velociraptor. Regardless, Cynfleda takes care of the city, just as she does all the cities, and she's on her way to the next city.

As a funny note, basically all the towns in Eastern Rohan have the same kinds of quest lines:

  1. Arrive at town at the request of the mayor/reeve of the previous town
  2. Meet the reeve, who has choice words about the previously-visited reeve
  3. Get the reeve to trust you by doing mundane tasks like cleaning a chicken coop or something
  4. Reeve asks you to vanquish nearby orcs
  5. Reeve decides whether to relocate the residents to Edoras or to stay and fight the oncoming orcs
  6. Reeve sends you to the next town
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 until all towns are visited
Cynfleda arrives at Edoras (after being promptly kicked out the first time by a possessed Theoden) at level 88.