The Fellowship: Theofwig

*Theofwig waves*

Class: Lore-master
Weapon of choice: staff, bog-guardian
Role in fellowship: support, ranged crowd control
Vocation: Woodsman
Likes: lighting things on fire, his pet allies, crafting wooden weapons, being out in nature
Quirks: a big softie, introverted but dependable, secretly has a crush on Cynfleda


Theofwig comes from a ranching family of Rohan. Under his care, many steeds went on to serve the Rohirrim. People say that no horse could have been better bred than by Theofwig's family. He is well acquainted with many captains of the horse-lords, including Cynfleda's father. As such, he and Cynfleda are friends from childhood. When news came of war churning in the North, they journeyed together to aid in the effort.

Commanding his animal companions, Theofwig is able to turn the tides of battle by stunning and laying constant damage on his enemies. He can't stand watching his friends get hurt, so he does what he can to hinder the enemy's forces. As the fellowship's woodworker, he crafts weapons and makes leathers for the tailors. His soft heart earns him the title of a genuine friend, both to animals and to his fellows.

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